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How to get a web link to your Broadcasts
How to get a web link to your Broadcasts

How to share links to your Broadcasts and/or include a "View in browser" link in your email.

Updated over a week ago

Did you know you can get a link to your Broadcast?

Visiting the link will open your Broadcast on its own page:

And sharing your Broadcast's link can get you more eyeballs on your content!

There are two ways of getting a Broadcast's link:

  1. Publishing your Broadcast to the web: This makes your Broadcast publicly available online and discoverable in the search engine results. You can also customize your Broadcast's link.

  2. Getting your Broadcast's archive link: Your Broadcast will not be publicly available online or discoverable in the search engine results, but people who have its link can still view it. You can't customize your Broadcast's archive link.

Both methods let you add a "View in browser" link to your Broadcast. This link lets subscribers read your Broadcast in their browser if their email client isn't displaying it properly. But adding this link can be a little more troublesome if you publish your Broadcast to the web.

This table summarizes the pros and cons of each method:

Publishing your Broadcast to the web

Getting your Broadcast's archive link

Will your Broadcast be publicly available online?


Can you customize your Broadcast's link?


Can you add a "View in browser" link to your Broadcast?

✔️ (but doing this may be more troublesome)


Use this option if...

  • If you want to make your Broadcast publicly available online

  • If you want to share your Broadcast with others privately

  • If you want a more convenient method of adding "View in browser" links to your Broadcast

Let's go through both methods.

Publishing your Broadcast to the web

Follow the steps here to publish your Broadcast to the web.

When publishing a Broadcast draft, you can update its URL slug (the last part of the URL that points to your Broadcast. For example,

NOTE: If you've already published your Broadcast, you can update its URL slug from its reports' Overview page.

After that, send your Broadcast as usual (if you haven't sent it yet). Then, click into it from the Broadcasts page to open its reports.

Click the Open button at the top right of any report.

Your Broadcast will load. Copy its public link from the address bar and share it!

NOTE: By default, your Broadcast's public link will use a domain like But you can have your Broadcasts' public links use a custom domain like instead.

To do so, follow the steps here to add a custom domain to your ConvertKit account. Then, go to your Creator Profile settings to set up your Broadcasts' public links to use the custom domain.

Getting your Broadcast's archive link

NOTE: This method works only if you've sent your Broadcast without publishing it to the web. If you have, you'll have to get your Broadcast's public link using the other method above instead.

Click into your Broadcast from the Broadcasts page to open its reports.

Then, select the three vertical dots at the top right of any report, followed by Share:

Your Broadcast's web archive page will open in a new tab. Copy the page's URL from your address bar and share it!

Adding a "View in browser" link to your Broadcasts

The steps for this differ depending on whether you'll be publishing your Broadcast to the web.

If you'll be publishing your Broadcast to the web

When writing your Broadcast in the Broadcast editor, click the Continue → button at the bottom right to go to the Publish page.

Select the Publish to web option, then click Advanced options at the bottom.

A drop-down menu will appear. Use the Slug setting to fill out your preferred URL slug for the Broadcast.

Note down the full Broadcast public link (in this case, it's Then, click the Back button at the bottom left to go back to the Draft page.

Type your "View in browser" link text into your Broadcast wherever you want the link to appear. Link this text to your Broadcast's public link.

Once you send the Broadcast (and publish it to the web), it will link to its own public link!

NOTE: Your "View in browser" link will not work in preview emails—it will work only after you've published your Broadcast.

If you aren't publishing your Broadcast to the web

When writing your Broadcast in the Broadcast editor, type your "View in browser" link text into it wherever you want the link to appear.

Then, add the {{ archive_url }} shortcode to that text as a link.

❗❗ IMPORTANT: The {{ archive_url }} shortcode doesn't work for Broadcasts published to the web. Link to these Broadcasts using their public links instead.

Once you send the Broadcast, we'll automatically replace the {{ archive_url }} shortcode with the URL for your Broadcast's archive page!

NOTE: Your "View in browser" link will not work in preview emails—it will work only after you've sent the Broadcast. That's because your Broadcast's archive page is created only after your Broadcast has been sent.

What about Sequences?

Sequences can't be published to the web. Neither do they have a built-in archive feature. So, you can't get links to individual Sequence emails.

As a workaround, copy the content of a Sequence email into a Broadcast and either publish your Broadcast to the web or get its archive link, depending on which method you prefer.

The end result is the same: a direct web link to your Sequence email's content!

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