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How to add a newsletter feed to your landing page
How to add a newsletter feed to your landing page

Include your ConvertKit broadcasts in a customizable newsletter feed, embedded directly in your landing page.

Updated today

Embed a feed of past newsletters in your landing page!

This curated selection of your ConvertKit broadcasts is a great way to show off some of your best content (not to mention entice your landing page visitors to become new subscribers!)

Here's an example of how it looks:

Of course, it's all customizable! Clicking a newsletter in the feed will show its full content, and from there it can also be easily shared on social media.

Ready to set up your own? Here's how!

1. Choose which broadcasts to include

You're in control: none of your broadcasts will be publicly enabled unless you choose to make them so. The content featured in your feed is up to you.

How to include a previously sent broadcast in your feed

First, go to the Broadcasts page under the Send tab in the navigation. Click on the broadcast you want to include in your feed.

Then from the sidebar, click the toggle next to "Enabled on public feeds":

Once enabled, you'll be presented some additional options to configure:

From there, you can choose this broadcast's thumbnail image (by default, we'll use the first image in your broadcast, if applicable) as well as its accessibility alt text. All your changes will be saved automatically!

How to include a new broadcast in your feed

On the Share page for a new broadcast, you'll find an option called Post to my public feed at the bottom:

Simply enable that option, which will reveal the same configuration settings as above. Once it's sent, that broadcast will automatically be included in your feed.

2. Add the feed to your landing page

☝️ TIP: If you haven't selected a landing page template yet, we recommend one with a nice big content area. Abbey, Canyon, Quincy, Randall, and Warren are all great template options for feeds.

Feeds can be added from paragraph text areas in your landing page using the content block menu:

NOTE: If you don’t see an option to add a Newsletter Feed from the menu, that means newsletter feeds aren't supported on that area of the page yet.

3. Customize your feed

Once your feed has been added, you're ready to customize its appearance! If its settings aren't already showing in the left sidebar of the landing page builder, simply click the Settings button next to your newly added feed to reveal them:

These are the style settings available for your feed:

And here's what each of those settings means:

  • Display: How many newsletters to display in your feed

  • Order: Whether your feed is sorted by newest or oldest

  • Title color: The font color of your newsletter's title

  • Title font size: The font size of your newsletter's title

  • Date color: The font color of the date (if displayed)

  • Date font size: The font size of the date (if displayed)

  • Image border radius: How rounded the image corners are

  • Include image: Whether you want to include your broadcasts' thumbnail images in the feed (Uncheck for a text-only feed)

  • Include sent date: Whether you want the date that your broadcast was sent to be included in the feed (Uncheck to hide the date)

Don't forget to click the Save button to save your work every now and then!

4. Publish your updated landing page

Once you're happy with how everything is looking, click the Publish button from the top left of the landing page builder, and that's it!

NOTE: It will take a minute or two to build the cached version of this page that will live publicly. This caching helps your pages load quickly, and you'll be able to view your landing page and its newsletter feed shortly thereafter.

Rearranging or removing your newsletter feed

To remove or rearrange a newsletter feed, first click the feed's Settings button:

Then, on the left sidebar under "Rearrange elements", you can drag and drop the content blocks to rearrange them, or click the X button to remove them:

Save your changes and you're ready to go.

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