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Integrating ConvertKit with Circle
Integrating ConvertKit with Circle

How to connect your ConvertKit account to your Circle community, using Zapier.

Updated over a week ago

Get Circle & ConvertKit talking to one another using Zapier!

Circle logo

Circle is a community platform for creators. Using Zapier, you can connect your Circle community to your ConvertKit account, which allows you to automate several different actions across both platforms.

☝️NOTE: This process requires a paid ConvertKit account due to the API access requirement.

In this article, we'll demonstrate the process of setting up an automation (referred to by Zapier as a Zap) that will automatically tag new Circle members in your ConvertKit account.

But there are many more Zap options where that came from!

When you're ready to set up your own, we'd encourage you to visit the Circle + ConvertKit Integrations page on Zapier's website to learn more about the triggers and actions available for these two platforms:

Let's dive in.

1. Create a Zapier account and connect it to ConvertKit & Circle

If you don't already have a Zapier account, the first step is to create one. Then, connect your Circle and ConvertKit accounts to it.

We have a guide here on how to get ConvertKit connected to Zapier, and Circle has their own guide as well.

2. Create a new Zap

Once your Zapier account is created and connected to Circle & ConvertKit, you're ready to create your first Zap!

From your Zapier account, click the 'Make a Zap' button:

As mentioned, this demonstration will cover creating a Zap that will automatically tag new Circle members in ConvertKit. On the Zap creation page, you can give your Zap a name for your reference:

☝️NOTE: This Zap will also take care of creating new Circle members as subscribers in your ConvertKit account if they're not already on your list, along with tagging them. As with any time you're adding someone to your email list, ensure you have their consent to do so.

3. Set the Zap's Trigger Event to be 'New Member Added' in Circle

First select Circle from the apps list, then select 'New Member Added' from the Trigger Event dropdown:

Click 'Continue,' and you'll be prompted to select the Circle account, and the community, to which you want to connect (even if you only have one of each).

Provide all the information as prompted, and keep clicking 'Continue' until you reach the 'Test trigger' step:

Click that 'Test trigger' button, which will confirm that Zapier is able to communicate with your Circle community.

Assuming all the information checks out, Zapier should find a member in your community, and you'll be able to click 'Continue' again to proceed to the Action setup.

4. Set the Zap's Action Event to be 'Add Tag to Subscriber' in ConvertKit

The Action setup follows the same pattern as the Trigger setup. First select ConvertKit from the apps list, then select 'Add Tag to Subscriber' from the Action Event dropdown:

Click 'Continue,' and you'll be prompted to confirm which ConvertKit account you're connecting to (again, even if you only have one).

Provide all the information as prompted, and keep clicking 'Continue' until you reach the 'Set up action' step. This step is important because it's where you'll choose which tag is to be added, as well as map the data being received from Circle to the correct fields in ConvertKit.

Here's what that step might look like when you're done:

☝️NOTE: If you haven't created the tag you want to add in ConvertKit yet, you can do so now, and then click the 'Refresh fields' button in Zapier to pull it into the Tag dropdown on their end.

Click 'Continue' again—you're almost done!

5. Test your Action and set your Zap live

Just like with the Trigger, you'll now have the opportunity to test your Action to ensure everything is connected properly through Zapier.

In this example, Zapier is saying it's about to run this Action as a test, using the information displayed:

To test the action with the information displayed, go ahead and click 'Test & Continue'.

TIP: You can also head over to your ConvertKit account after running the test to double-check that any actions took place successfully!

If everything works, Zapier will provide the option to turn on the Zap. (Make sure you don't skip this step, otherwise it will remain inactive until you do!)

That's it!

If you created the same Zap as this demonstration, Zapier will now be listening for new Circle members, and will create and/or tag them in your ConvertKit account accordingly.

You can now view your new Zap on your Zaps page, and disable it from there as well if needed:

Don't forget: the options don't end here! There are lots of different automations you can set up between Circle & ConvertKit; this is just one example. Don't forget to check out the Circle + ConvertKit Integrations page on Zapier's website to learn about the other possibilities.

What's next?

Now that Zapier is connected to your ConvertKit account, you can set up Zaps strategically such that they kick off automations in ConvertKit.

For example, building on the demo Zap in this tutorial, we could now create an automation in ConvertKit that is triggered by the 'Circle Members' tag we told Zapier to add.

Here's how that might look to add new members to a welcome sequence:

Once that automation is triggered, ConvertKit will take things from there!

You can also have multiple Zaps running that add different tags based on different triggers. The options are virtually endless!

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