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How to ask people to join your email list
How to ask people to join your email list

Write your first broadcast email and build that audience

Updated over a week ago

If you're new to email marketing and list building, asking people to sign up for your email list can feel a little intimidating. I mean what do you even say to do that?

In this article we wanted to share a short but helpful script that gives you a little guidance on how to show the value your content is going to deliver. Make any little changes you want to make it sound natural.

Make sure you change up the names and topic too, but this can be a plug and play script for getting the word out about your new blog, vlog, or podcast. 

For each step I've added in my notes in italics to give you a little more context for what's going on. Ready?

Step 1: What you’re working on

I’ve been working for the past month to launch my new fitness program: The Simple Gym! What’s great about this program is that you don’t need any weights or equipment to complete the workouts, and can do them all at home! 

This is where you share the topic of your blog, podcast, business, etc. Tell the reader what it is you're doing and why it's helpful for them. 

What the reader will get

Each week I’ll share 3 workouts exclusively with my email community, and share fitness articles and videos on my website so that you can achieve the body you deserve. 

This is where you go from why it's helpful to what the reader can expect to get from you on a regular schedule. If weekly seems like too much right now, just say each month. The important thing is to be consistent with your schedule. 

What you plan on doing in the next 3 months

Eventually I’ll offer personalized fitness and nutrition plans for people who want more coaching, and digital products (ebooks and courses) to help you reach specific goals.

Here you want to get them excited about what the future is and additional things you'll be doing once everything is set up and running. 

Your mission

My goal, or mission, for the project is to help people feel great, have more energy, and love their bodies.

In a sentence, why does your site exist? Why does it matter to you? Communicating this to your readers is an important way to build trust. 


If you want to have the weekly workouts and videos sent directly to you, click here and sign up for the launch list! If you know someone else who would be helped by this, feel free to share the sign up link or connect us directly!

You have to ask! Share the link with people, or if you have their permission it's ok to add them directly to your account. Just click on the "Import Subscribers" button in the subscriber tab to add people one by one. 

Ok, back to Daniel-as-Daniel. I hope you find this short script useful. Please change as necessary to fit your voice and style, it's mostly meant as a way to get the creative juices flowing. 

If you have any questions or problems with setting up your landing page or anything else, please let us know!

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