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Connect your AccessAlly to ConvertKit!

Updated over a week ago

How to set up the AccessAlly Integration

To begin, log into your AccessAlly account. From there, if you're not already on the AccessAlly screen, simply mouseover to "Your Current Programs" and select AccessAlly as shown:

Next, you’ll see three options: “Create a New Site,” “Migrate to AccessAlly,” and “Hire a Certified Partner.”

If you currently have a membership website that’s being migrated over to AccessAlly, you’ll use “Migrate to AccessAlly.”

However, for this tutorial, we’ll select the “Create a New Site” option highlighted in red below:

Click on the ConvertKit icon. Now, you’ve arrived on the setup checklist page, which will walk you through setting up each part of your membership site.

From here, all you need to do is walk through the checklist and click on each link to be taken to easy-to-follow video tutorials.

For this tutorial, we’ll just cover step 3.

Click on “Download License” in the left sidebar.

This should take you to a screen where you can download the plugin and get your registered email and serial key info (you'll need these later). Download the plugin somewhere easy to find like your desktop or standard download folder.

Next log into your WordPress site and click on Plugins from the sidebar. From there, you'll want to click the Add New button at the top.

Proceed to the next screen. Click on "upload.”

Browse for the file that was downloaded to your computer, then click the Install Now button. After the file has been uploaded to your WordPress site, you can activate it.

Once activated, you must add your unique serial key information by navigating to AccessAlly (on the left navigation menu) > General Settings > License.

Here you'll be able to insert your unique user email and serial key. Hit “Save Changes” to finish this step.

Go to AccessAlly > Get Started

This will take you to the easy setup wizard, which walks you through the basic setup process. First watch the video, then follow the “click to get started” button.

Select ConvertKit from the dropdown, and then fill in your API key & API secret.

Both the API Key and API Secret can be found inside your ConvertKit account under your Advanced Account Settings.

Now, AccessAlly is integrated with your CRM. The AccessAlly setup wizard will walk you through creating the courses and Tags for your membership site.

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