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Using ConvertKit with Zapier

If you can't find a direct integration with ConvertKit, Zapier most likely has a solution! Here's how to get connected.

Updated over a week ago

Zapier gives you the ability to connect (and automate!) different services across the web.

Zapier logo

This means that if we don't have an official integration with a service or platform you're using, in many cases you'll still be able to connect it to your ConvertKit account using Zapier.

NOTE: You'll need a paid ConvertKit account to connect with Zapier, since it requires API access.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a service that allows you to connect different web applications — even if they don't have a direct integration with one another — using automations that they refer to as Zaps.

How it works: you'll connect your accounts to Zapier (that is, your ConvertKit account, along with the other platform/service you want to connect to), and then set up Zaps which tell ConvertKit to do something when a particular trigger event occurs in the other app.

Think of Zapier like an Internet middleman.

For example, you could have a Zap that tells ConvertKit to add a tag to a subscriber after they make a purchase in another app. That tag can then kick-off an automation inside ConvertKit, and then ConvertKit can take it from there!

Connecting ConvertKit to Zapier

Zapier has a free account option, which is sufficient for many creators. You can view their plans & pricing details here to determine if you require a paid Zapier account for your use case. A paid ConvertKit account is required due to the API access requirement.

After creating your Zapier account, you'll need to link it to your ConvertKit account. You can do this by navigating to My AppsAdd Connection, then search for & select ConvertKit from the list.

You'll be asked to provide your ConvertKit API Secret to allow Zapier to access your account:

Your API Secret can be found in your ConvertKit account settings. You'll just need to click the 'Show' link to reveal it, then copy its contents:

Once your API Secret has been pasted into Zapier, click the 'Yes, Continue' button, and that's it! Your ConvertKit account is now hooked up to Zapier.

...but you're not done yet. Now it's time to set up some Zaps! ⚡️

Most popular Zaps

There are hundreds of Zaps already built and ready for you to start using, and you can create your own as well. Which ones you decide to use depends entirely on what you're looking to automate!

You can also search on that page to find specific apps that are available to connect to:

Zapier Troubleshooting

☝️ Please note that Zapier is a 3rd party integration. Our team is unable to provide troubleshooting support for Zapier connection issues, since the connections take place on Zapier's side, and therefore we don't have direct visibility on them.

If you're having trouble setting up a connection in Zapier, please reach out to Zapier support as they'll be the best-equipped to advise on troubleshooting. Of course, if you're having trouble with something on the ConvertKit side, we're here to help.

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