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Migrate From AWeber to ConvertKit

Moving to ConvertKit from AWeber? Let's help you get started!

Updated over a week ago

Migrating to ConvertKit from another platform doesn't have to be complicated, and we're here to help! In this guide, we'll cover how to migrate from Aweber to ConvertKit in just a few steps.

Let's dive in!

Exporting and Importing Subscribers

1. Export your list(s) from AWeber

Go to the "Subscribers" page in your AWeber account, under the "Subscribers" tab. You'll see all of the subscribers in your list on this page. You can also search for a subset of the list using the "Search Option" drop-down menu before searching.

Search Option drop-down

Once your list of subscribers appears, scroll to the bottom left corner of the search results, and click the "Export CSV" button to download a spreadsheet with all their information.

Export CSV button

☝️Important Note on Exporting with AWeber

Before you export the list, click “Current Subscribers” on the left. AWeber defaults to “Show All”, and you don’t want to start emailing people who have unsubscribed, or pay for them in ConvertKit.

2. Create a tag in ConvertKit

Inside of ConvertKit, go to your subscribers page by clicking on the Grow tab, and then selecting Subscribers.

Next, click "+ Create a Tag" in the righthand sidebar. Give your tag a name (it can match the AWeber list you just exported).

4. Import your CSV

Once your tag is saved, click "Import Subscribers" in the sidebar. From there, select the CSV file you exported from AWeber (click and browse or drag and drop it into the box).

Then select your newly created tag to import into.

Need to add custom fields like last name? Skip ahead to step 4a.

Click Import Subscribers and wait. You'll receive an email once the import has finished. It will usually start within a minute, so if you refresh the page you'll see the subscriber count on your tag start to increase. 🎉

NOTE: By default, ConvertKit only imports First Name and Email address. If you want to import additional fields from AWeber, you'll need to set up those fields in ConvertKit before import. Find out how in this tutorial.

5. Repeat the process for each list in AWeber

Once you go through it the first time, it's pretty fast to do again. Just select a tag, export, create the tag in ConvertKit, and import.

Don't worry about importing duplicate subscribers. ConvertKit will merge duplicates into one subscriber profile.

Importing Automated Emails to ConvertKit Sequences

In AWeber, your automatic emails were called "legacy follow up emails". In ConvertKit, we call them "Sequences". Switching those to ConvertKit is simply a matter of copying and pasting the content from one to the other. It can be laborious, but it's straightforward. Here's how it works!


When you paste the email in to ConvertKit, you may see some boxes around the content. This is a result of AWeber's table-heavy formatting with the drag-and-drop builder. Since emails deliver and convert better when they look like emails, you may need to paste the content in section by section. But if it looks clean, it probably is!

Sequence timing

Good news! The timing in ConvertKit acts the same way as you are used to in AWeber. You'll set the email timing to "days since last email". You can even change days to hours for the initial messages or to automate that big launch!

Learn more about sequence timing here.

Updating images

This is a big one. If you simply copy and paste your images into ConvertKit, they're actually still located in AWeber's servers. What you want to do instead is download the image to your computer, and then re-upload it directly to ConvertKit. Images in ConvertKit emails look best when they are no wider than 600 pixels (standard email width).

Comparison of terms between ConvertKit and AWeber

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